Would love a tutorial vÃdeo with some tips of how u make ur sound design, i love it, feels pretty aesthetic and brings those old vinyl vibes
Would love a tutorial vÃdeo with some tips of how u make ur sound design, i love it, feels pretty aesthetic and brings those old vinyl vibes
Damn... Bro really must love his car, amazing! Btw whats the name of the keyboard or the used sample of the 0:12? I'm looking for a song that uses almost the same thing <3
Yes I do, yes I do xd. I have no idea what's called, just tried to create a UK Garage/House piano thingy.
Another epic track, so melodic and trippy keep it up!
I'm so late about the game.
Whats the name of Game? I would love to try cuz if your music will be there i'm going to be happy while listening to it
OpenTTD. I’m making my own soundtrack for it that will be available to download as a mod when it’s done.
This is perfect reminds me of that old Gameloft game named little Big city, this is pure gold
Really love this one, felt SO atmospheric for this days
Man this make me feel so childish, Big love for this EP <3
Perfect music that feels like an anime intro and a long car ride looking from the windows and watching the landscapes
Really love your Style, so unique tbh, collab when? Ok no jk I'm still a rookie so keep it up <3
Brooooo tv room!!! This gave me some AJR vibes, this is awesome *cries of happiness*
Sexy, comedy rookie musician/Artist, i greet you with a warm hug, have fun!
Your mind
Joined on 1/12/20