Ooooooh this kind of proyects help me feel like i we're flying, so good and atmospheric ast pretty dope tho
Ooooooh this kind of proyects help me feel like i we're flying, so good and atmospheric ast pretty dope tho
appreciate that :)
PROUD OF MRKOOL FELLA, Long time didn't check u dude, but listening all this gotta Say i'm really impressed! Well Done! This is amazing
Felt as a real gangsta with this one :3
This song for any reason i feel this has such an incredible lore behind it, i love it honestly <3
I really love this one! 8 bit tunes are SO dope tbh
Dude i love this, gotta do something in GD with this one, love its lyrics and the atmosphere, btw i really would like to see any other proyect as u did with "Will there really be a morning" so dope
Yooooo, idk how to say this but i would love a full versión of this, sounds so god damn dope! Plz, holy fkc :0
Pure lazyness song title lmao this sounds so cool
I'm still SO damn proud of hearing this old atmospheric sounds, makes me imagine being at a dreamcore (⊙_◎)
Came fast i can, this is really amazing such a cool comeback i guess, glad to see u active again idk
Sexy, comedy rookie musician/Artist, i greet you with a warm hug, have fun!
Your mind
Joined on 1/12/20